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About Me.

Hi, I’m Jack Bondowski, a junior at Marquette University, pursuing a degree in Operations & Supply Chain and Marketing. My passion lies in Supply Chain, and I would love to be in a position to lead the operations and planning aspect of a supply chain. Currently, I am working towards my goal of acquiring a Supply Chain internship in Milwaukee to strengthen my knowledge and understanding of the field.  My academic journey has equipped me with skills such as SAP and excel which I've learned how to apply through various class projects. I've also learned the importance of having strong communication skills and the value it holds when working in a group. 


I believe in controlling the controllables. Controlling what you can takes some of the stress out of making decisions with helps both you and those around you. After graduation I want to secure a job in Supply Chain with a local Milwaukee company but y end goal is that I'm able to build my own cooperation from the previous knowledge I have acquired, and create something sustainable that will grow.


Originally I'm from Green Bay Wi, so by nature that makes me a die hard Packers fan. Outside of academics and professional work, I enjoy spending time outside either Golfing or Hunting. Any activity to get away from a screen and outdoors will do but Hunting and Golfing are the two I hold dear since it's what I grew up doing.  I also enjoy playing Rugby for Marquette's club sports in my free time and spending time with my teammates. 



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